My best friends were worms and ants while growing up. They fascinated me. I loved watching them, and in my own terms playing with them for hours during my childhood days.
Ants were fast and coordinated, acting according to patterns i was very ambitious to understand; they were marching in every micro second, from somewhere to another destination. Carrying things, in and sometimes out of the nature like crumbles of the chocolate bread my mum prepared for our camp party with friends. Soon I figured out; they had their own way of communication and task allocation in their communities. I created situations risking their food and even their lives. They were saving the food and leaving the bodies behind that were not vital for their survival as a community. I learnt the guilt factor while playing with ants, my experiments were causing death that nobody cared…To me, that was the biggest of sorrow. Killing potential of further action and possibilities.
Worms were fascinating in other ways; slow, covered with mucous, but still, unpredictable, their body moved into little holes as little as 10% of their bodies…Nothing seemed more unreal to me as a child; the way they paused and brought up their first body portion up in the air, with a piece of leaf in their mouth. What an effort, what a miracle!
One time i met a unique one, I thought; ‘Oh what a miraculous worm, growing out and out from the soil non stop.’ I shouted with excitement to my parents; ‘What an amazing worm is going out, it never ends!’ Last thing i remember my parents taking me away from the snake, which obviously was not a worm, and my dad cutting the most miracles worm snake-i have ever seen- with an axl into dozens of pieces until each part gave up moving…I realized I had to be careful, so that no more snakes had to die because of my fear or wreckless actions.
I grew up loving the most disliked animals; ants, worms, insects and snakes…And still I have huge empathy for them. To this day that empathy grew up in me, I like what I don’t know, what fears most others feels interesting to me feeding my curiosity to know even more.
How it relates to this article after all? I now see patterns. In actions. In words. I see ecosystems effecting one player another. As if I was watching my ant & worm kingdom. And myself like an outside person.
We are under fire. Bombs, terror, children crying and dying on our coasts, abused in our -so called- caring homes, everybody accuses everybody, there is hate and resentment and sorrow and fear…Fire in our heads, in our hearts…Fire in our souls…What we are seeking all together actually is…
Love & Empathy.
I suggest let’s be aware of the continuos campaign of hate and death. On media, in politicians’ speeches. Let’s stay curious; Why things are happening? Why media is pumping the stories that benefit war over war because corporations -feeding from death- love ‘fear fueled stories’ so we can keep on paying our taxes without questioning ‘Why our money is invested on growing war -they call it defense- structures?…’ How else we could look the other way around when ‘a child of a feared -so claimed- enemy’ is being killed in front of our eyes.
C’mon, don’t you bleed my friend?
We have tiny amount of time, we have more in common with not only other humans but also with the all living creatures and nature. We want to survive together, because we need each other. Because we exist together. Because we evolve together. Because we are born to love, by nature…
Question is; Are you a life lover? Or death lover?
Loving life more is the only cure to heal death lovers…They need us and life needs us…To Love…You are a universe my friend, you can chose where you stand. That’s not an easy task to take the full responsibility of one life, even your own life; you need to watch out your words, your actions and you need to take care of your own thoughts and feelings. But my friend, those are the things that you need to be a parent of, because that’s your responsibility that nobody can take away from you nor take care on behalf of you.
On my part, I work on start-up services with passion, to bring more light to our time through education ( and self discovery (, I do post considerately on social media and I raise (or let grow without disturbing them too much) an amazing #strawberryteam; my two daughters M&M’s (Mey & Mia). On my part, I chose to stand up on my own two feet as a single mom, as an entrepreneur, as a woman and a world citizen in Istanbul. I play my part with a promise to be better every day, failing and rising again. And I know I can do better and I acknowledge the fact that my imperfections are OK as I also need empathy from myself.
I love life. I am a life lover.
What do you think my friend? Do you think, no matter what happens, can we stand up together and embrace this miracle called life together, with passion and love?
Can we love under fire?